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Glacern Work Stop Accessories

Glacern Vise Work Stops
A Work Stop Made for Both 6 Inch and 4 Inch Vises

If you're looking for a work stop to compliment your 6 Inch or 4 Inch Glacern vise, look no further, it's here! Introducing the GV6-STOP, a colorful companion to your Glacern vise. Now it has two sets of holes to work with both 6" and 4" vises.

New Glacern Vise Work Stops
  • 6" and 4" Vise Work Stop
  • Holes for both 6" and 4" compatibility
  • Anodized aluminum finish

Glacern Vise Workstop
Glacern Workstop for Vise

Work Stop for Glacern Vises
GV6-STOP Work Stop for 4 and 6 Inch Vise PHOTO $149.99 IN STOCK


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