GMT Security
All sensitive information including username/passwords, email addresses, billing/shipping addresses, and credit card information are transmitted with 256-bit encryption via a business-verified SSL, authenticated by Comodo.
Encrypted Data
Highly sensitive information such as your password are encrypted on our databases for your protection. User login is accomplished using a one-way hashed matching algorithm. What this means is that nobody can ever decipher your password, not even us.
Secure Payment Gateway
Credit cards are processed through, one of the most trusted online payment gateways available. No credit card information is ever stored on our servers. Combined with the SSL, your credit card information can never be compromised.

ER Collet Chucks
GMT ER collet chucks are nickel plated and precision ground to a TIR of less than 0.0001" at the collet seat.

Face Mills & Holders
GMT face mills yield high performance in all materials and are excellent for roughing and finishing alike.